If youve got incredible iOS ideas, get this book and bring them to life! iOS 7 represents the most significant update to Apples mobile operating system since the first iPhone was released, and even the most seasoned app developers are looking for information on how to take advantage of the latest iOS 7 features in their app designs. Thats where iOS App Development For Dummies comes in! Whether youre a programming hobbyist wanting to build an app for fun or a professional developer looking to expand into the iOS market, this book will walk you through the fundamentals of building a universal app that stands out in the iOS crowd. Walks you through joining Apples developer program, downloading the latest SDK, and working with Apples developer tools Explains the key differences between iPad and iPhone apps and how to use each devices features to your advantage Shows you how to design your app with the end user in mind and create a fantastic user experience Covers using nib files, views, view controllers, interface objects, gesture recognizers, and much Theres no time like now to tap into the power of iOS start building the next big app today with help from iOS App Development For Dummies!

Explore how to use ARKit to create iOS apps and learn the basics of augmented reality while diving into ARKit specific topics. This book reveals how augmented reality allows you to view the screen on an iOS device, aim the camera at a nearby scene, and view both the real items in that scene as well as a graphic image overlaid on to that scene.

You’ll start by accessing the camera and teaching your app to track the world around its device. You'll then see how to position nodes and create augmented reality shapes and textures. Next you’ll have your creations interact with their environment by programming workable physics, detecting planes, measuring distance, and applying virtual force. Finally you’ll learn how to hit test and troubleshoot your applications to ensure they interact with the real world around them seamlessly.
ARKit is Apple’s software framework for creating augmented reality apps on iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad. Unlike virtual reality that creates an entirely artificial world for the user to view and explore, Beginning ARKit for iPhone and iPad will show you how augmented reality places artificial items in an actual scene displayed by an iOS device’s camera.What You’ll Learn
Access the camera
Use ARKit’s hit testing for tracked geometry
Apply and combine real world and virtual physics
Who This Book Is ForProgrammers familiar with the basics of Swift programming who want to dive into developing iOS applications with Swift.

Based on true events! It's the summer of 1916 and the Jersey shore is being terrorized by a Great White shark. Can 10-year-old Chet and his friends survive a swim in the local creek?

Chet Roscow is finally feeling at home in Elm Hills, New Jersey. He has a job with his uncle Jerry at the local diner, three great friends, and the perfect summertime destination: cool, refreshing Matawan Creek.But Chet's summer is interrupted by shocking news. A great white shark has been attacking swimmers along the Jersey shore, not far from Elm Hills. Everyone in town is talking about it. So when Chet sees something in the creek, he's sure it's his imagination. . . until he comes face-to-face with a bloodthirsty shark!

Arthur Charles gives a personal account of his time as a POW on Java, including the use of secret radios and how he survived a firing squad. He depicts amazing resilience, resourcefulness and even moments of humour amid the horror of captivity, where he suffered terrible mistreatment and deliberate efforts to humiliate. He managed to learn skills from other POWs such as contract bridge, chess, shorthand and even English law.

'It is time to die, Madame: there shall be no mercy for you..!'

It was one of the most shocking crimes of the seventeenth century, and would provide Sade with the inspiration for the last novel he published. The beautiful and virtuous Euphrasie, admired by the King himself, falls in love with the young and handsome Alphonse, Marquis de Gange. Within the forbidding walls of his castle in Provence, however, sinister forces are conspiring against the young couple. Alphonse's brothers, the Abbé and the Chevalier, want Euphrasie for themselves.

Published in English for the first time, The Marquise de Gange is a neglected Gothic classic by one of the most notorious authors in the literary canon. Although a departure from his earlier pornographic and libertine works, beneath the novel's thin veneer of respectability lurks the same subversive presence of an author plotting against virtue in distress.

All the chapters are completely updated and reviewed by an expert panel; soft leatherette cover and sewn binding; printed in full-color with color-coded sections

This pocket-sized book provides vital information in a concise, portable format. It focuses on diagnosis and therapy, including management protocols, medications, and dosages. Common problems are covered in greater detail. Key facts on uncommon conditions are also presented.

Medical students and interns can find pearls on pelvic and breast examinations and cervical examinations during labor, and they can also prepare confidently for quizzes by quickly glancing over the terminology, etiology, and other background information or using the handbook's mnemonics to recall the key points.

Operative techniques and procedures such as knot-tying, instrument use, perineal laceration repair, amniocentesis, and measurement of AFI and cervical length are illustrated to help trainees learn the basic skills. Thirteen operative dictations describe the common procedures with the latest techniques.

Seasoned clinicians will find most recent guidelines on cancer screening, antibiotic prophylaxis, thrombosis prevention, and 2010 medical eligibility criteria for contraceptives.

About the Author:

Thomas Zheng, MD, FACOG, Director of Intern Education, Department of OB/GYN, Maricopa Medical Center, Clinical Assistant Professor of OB/GYN, University of Arizona College of Medicine

A new home on the brink of disaster. A discovery of forbidden powers. And a savage winter fast approaching. Aldim does not suffer the weak.
The battle’s end was supposed to bring peace and establish the Bravers’ new home in the Shiverglades. But all it brought is pain and suffering. With his closest friends lost to another realm, over half of the settlement’s population injured, and missing supply chains, Hal doesn’t have a moment to rest. He may have won the battle with the Shiverglades, but he has yet to win the war. The Beastborne has his work cut out for him if he plans to build a Sanctum that’ll last.Worse, a rival Founder plots against Hal, threatening to unleash an entity that is fated to scar the Manaseed and cull the Bravers Guild once and for all.Fortunately, there’s a lot to turn to that isn’t preordained. A Reaper-turned-friend, inventive koblins, industrious dwarves, Wyrd Strain, and Bonecrafting could defy their fate.And he isn’t the only one with newfound Class powers that might give them a fighting chance.The Bravers Guild needs more than just survival.They need their home whole.
But to do the impossible and reach across the divide between Worldshards to rescue their lost companions, the Manaseed’s Elysian powers must be stronger. Can the Bravers Guild Level Up their settlement and their Manaseed through building, fighting, and crafting to conquer the coming storm, or will they succumb to a doomed fate after all?Continue your epic LitRPG today and dive into another 1,000 pages of Beastborne!

“Makes the Shawshank Redemption look like a holiday camp” – NOTW After a SWAT team smashed down stock market millionaire Shaun Attwood’s door, he found himself inside of Arizona’s deadliest jail, locked into a brutal struggle for survival.Shaun’s hope of living the American Dream turned into a nightmare of violence and chaos, when he had a run in with Sammy the Bull Gravano, an Italian Mafia mass murderer.In jail, Shaun was forced to endure cockroaches crawling in his ears at night, dead rats in the food and the sound of skulls getting cracked against toilets. He meticulously documented the conditions and smuggled out his message. Join Shaun on a harrowing voyage into the darkest recesses of human existence. HARD TIME provides a revealing glimpse into the tragedy, brutality, dark comedy and eccentricity of prison life. Featured worldwide on Nat Geo Channel’s Locked Up/Banged Up Abroad Raving Arizona.

New York Times bestselling author Brian Haig delivers his a thriller inspired by a true story about one man running between two countries, trying desperately to escape his past.

In 1987, Alex Konevitch was thrown out of Moscow University for "indulging his entrepreneurial spirit." But by 1991, he was worth $300 million. On track to become Russia's wealthiest man, he makes one critical mistake: he hires the former deputy director of the KGB to handle his corporate security. And then his world begins to fall apart. Kidnapped, beaten, and forced to relinquish his business and his fortune, Alex and his wife escape to the United States, only to be accused by his own government of stealing millions from his business. With a mob contract out on his life and the FBI hot on his trail, Alex is a desperate man without a country facing the ultimate sacrifice for the chance to build a new life for himself and his family.

Hemingway said, "A man should never write what he doesn't know." In the mid-fifties, Harlan Ellison--kicked out of college and hungry to write--went to New York to start his writing career. It was a time of street gangs, rumbles, kids with switchblades and zip guns made from car radio antennas. Ellison was barely out of his teens himself, but he took a phony name, moved into Brooklyn's dangerous Red Hook section and managed to con his way into a "bopping club." What he experienced (and the time he spent in jail as a result) was the basis for the violent story that Alfred Hitchcock filmed as the first of his hour-long TV dramas...This autobiography is a book whose message you won't be able to ignore or forget. "Harlan Ellison is the dark prince of American letters, cutting through our corrupted midnight fog with a switchblade prose. He simply must be read." --Pete Hamill "Ellison writes with sensitivity as well as guts--a rare combination." --Leslie Charteris, creator of The Saint

"Kenneth Jay has laid out what I feel will generate a next-step evolution in strength training. Even if you have no interest in increasing your military press, the concepts in this book are powerful.Not only does Kenneth break down the essentials to a perfect press, but he also provides 10 innovative drills for shattering plateaus. Whether it is simply stacking two kettlebells in one hand for manipulating the center of gravity or showing how to take advantage of hard-wired reflexes, Kenneth's pursuit of strength allows us to stand on his shoulders (pun intended). Combining science and practical application, Kenneth reveals in Perfecting the Press!principles and techniques capable of assisting you on a journey of strength. This is an intelligent journey based in science and field tested in the Iron Pit. Now read, learn, and apply. Strength is waiting for you!"—Brett Jones, CSCS
"In Perfecting the Press!, Kenneth Jay has successfully combined the hard science of elite performance with an immensely practical training protocol that will make your performance soar. Perfecting the Press will take you on a journey into the physiology of strength mastery that leaves you anxious to read and absorb every page, because every concept can and will make you stronger. From world-class technique development to neuroscience to hyperprecise workout programming skills, Perfecting the Press! has it all. Kenneth has written a book that very few people could. Every page demonstrates his understanding of the science of strength as both a researcher and a world-class athlete who has actually applied these methods to his own strength development.
Read this book. Study it. Apply the information, and prepare to blow away every pressing record you have ever set!"—Dr. Eric Cobb, Z-Health Performance Solutions
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Knowledge of the Kettlebell Military Press
Twelve Axioms You Should Know
Some Advanced Stuff
In a Perfect World
Chapter 2: Using the Latissimus Dorsi (the Lat) Correctly in Your Presses
Three Reasons the Lat Makes Your Presses Stronger When Used Correctly
Chapter 3: Reinforcing Your Press Position: Integrating the 12 Axioms
Chapter 4: Plateau Breaker 1: Center of Gravity Elevation
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 5: Plateau Breaker 2: Center of Gravity Depression
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 6: Plateau Breaker 3: Upper-Body Plyometrics
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 7: Plateau Breaker 4: Dynamic Isometrics
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 8: Plateau Breaker 5: Band and Chain Press
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 9: Plateau Breaker 6: Wobble Board Press
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 10: Plateau Breaker 7: Contralateral Reflex Press—Power Rack
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 11: Plateau Breaker 8: Contralateral Reflex Press—Band Pulldown
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 12: Plateau Breaker 9: Dead Start Sticking Point Press
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 13: Plateau Breaker 10: Microshock Overload Isometric Press
How to Do It
Why It Works
Chapter 14: Understanding the Parameters
Fatigue Index (FI)
Chapter 15: Using the Fatigue Index under Diverse Conditions
Chapter 16: Relationships between Parameters: Fitting in the Fatigue Index
Intensity and Volume
Cycling and Rotation
Choosing a Parameter Focus
Chapter 17: More on Fatigue
Scientific Explanations