The Ghost of Mistletoe Lock By Amy Rae Durreson

The ghost of mistletoe lock book pdf

Unfortunately this one was pretty mediocre I liked the Christmas atmosphere the writing was obviously gorgeous what else do you expect from ARD and I liked the unique twist to the usual ghost haunting MCs plotline But the rest of the story was rushed messy and nowhere close to what I ve come to expect from this author especially when comparing it to some of her other ghost romances Spindrift was a 5 star read for me. The ghost of mistletoe lock pdf download The worst aspect of the story was the romance because it was incredibly rushed The MCs have one short interaction much of it was done through telling instead of showing and after that they re both obsessed with each other Then through a series of plot conveniences Ryan ends up half dead on Isaac s front step The two of them are clearly attracted to each other but the problem is that they had zero chemistry and they had no emotional connection which makes their quick journey towards sex feel meaningless Making things worse is that both MCs had a woe is me attitude and were hot cold towards each other Isaac would give clear signs that he wants to have sex with Ryan one second but the next he s pushing him away and declaring that he doesn t do one night stands any And Ryan was constantly getting annoyed with Isaac for saying the wrong thing as if Isaac was intentionally trying to offend him which was obviously not the case All of these problems stem from these guys not knowing each other at all and due to the short length of the story this was never resolved properly By the time Isaac invites Ryan to spend Christmas with his family even though they ve known each other for just a few hours by that point I was rolling my eyes. The ghost of mistletoe lockknob The best part was the ghost plotline Having Isaac already be familiar with the ghost from the start of the story was a great touch and making the ghost be a kind loving one who used her ghost abilities to get the MCs together was neat However due to the MCs only knowing each other for such a short period of time it meant that the ghost s interference in their relationship added some weird dub con vibes at certain parts Specifically I was uncomfortable with the ghost literally locking the MCs into Isaac s home and not allowing Ryan to leave until he and Isaac acted on their feelings for each other I understand what vibe the author was going for but having Ryan be in a very vulnerable position at that moment he s recovering from hypothermia he s locked in a house with a stranger etc meant I didn t enjoy the whole thing I also felt the ghost s interference needlessly put Ryan s life at risk since the ghost is the one who deliberately lured Ryan through the cold darkness to Isaac s home My problem is that the ghost had no way of knowing if Ryan would reach the house before he passed out from hypothermia She could have easily killed him just because she liked playing match maker I know I m overthinking these things but I m accustomed to this author taking situations seriously so that s how I approached the story. The ghost of mistletoe lockl link Overall I don t recommend this one It s the author s first story and you can tell she was experimenting and figuring out what kind of MM romances she wanted to tell and that s fine But it s a disjointed rushed mess that isn t representative of her current abilities 1623801958 I sometimes like love at first sight but somehow I don t find it believable here They were both lonely and were happy to have a warm body on Christmas Eve In a matter of hours they were ready to pick china pattern The only one that I like the most is the ghost Emily 1623801958 3. The ghost of mistletoe lock book 2 6 stars A holiday story with a little bit of misunderstood intentions mutual unrequited interest friendly ghostliness and a lot of great details I really enjoyed Amy Rae Durreson s story in the Snow on the Roof anthology and I was pleased to see this standalone short novellette available to borrow from the SFPL The details of the English countryside the lonely lengthsman the wise beyond his years shopkeeper and the cozy cottage just made this story come alive I appreciated the author s turns of phrase and enjoyed the overall cozy feel I got from the story Recommended 1623801958 What a sweet yet moody little tale this was The angst and miscommunication was kept to a minimum but was realistic enough for two lonely guys meeting and getting to know one another They were both afraid to believe they could have what they truly wanted and I liked reading the revelations they both had as they opened up The ghostly aspect was balanced perfectly that could have been easily overdone but was perfectly balanced instead 1623801958 The worst thing about this Advent Calendar is the length of the stories It seems like every time it s getting really really good the story ends which is very disheartening Still with that said I really enjoyed this one I ve always been a sucker for ghost stories and I liked the angle of this one It was a tad over the top but also sweet and that was exactly what I was looking for. The ghost of mistletoe locka analysis While Ryan and Isaac don t really know each other I can see them developing a strong relationship They both seem to want the same thing out of each other It would have been really nice to see Isaac take Ryan home and show him off to the family but the story ends before any of that could happen A sequel would be great though where we actually see Ryan and Isaac getting to know one another beyond what they like in bed 1623801958 Amy Rae Durreson is a quiet Brit with a degree in early English literature which she blames for her somewhat medieval approach to spelling and at various times has been fluent in Latin Old English Ancient Greek and Old Icelandic though these days she mostly uses this knowledge to bore her students Amy started her first novel a quarter of a century ago and has been scribbling away ever since Despite these long years of experience she has yet to master the arcane art of the semicolon She was a winner in the 2017 Rainbow Awards A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2012 Advent Calendar collection Evergreen After lonely divorc Isaac leaves his job as a banker to work as a conservationist on a country river he gives up on finding the love he always wanted Then he meets flirty jeweler Ryan and assumes Ryan s out of his league but Ryan s just as lonely as Isaac Ryan also has the housemates from hell and when he storms out of the riotous Christmas party they forgot to warn him about he soon finds himself lost in the snow Ryan passes out in front of the lock cottage where Isaac lives and once Isaac brings him in from the cold they finally have a chance to get to know each other But when their insecurities get in the way it s up to the ghost of Mistletoe Lock to ensure they give love a chance The Ghost of Mistletoe LockFIRST RE READ 30 November 2017I still loved this the second time through although not quite as much It was still a delightful Christmas feeling story but this time it seemed as though things happened very quickly Some Favorite Quotes Love in all its forms was all that mattered. The ghost of mistletoe lock ebook free download ORIGINAL REVIEW 23 December 2012I appear to be definitely in the minority here but I LOVED this story Loved it to the point that my initial thought after finishing it was THIS is what all Christmas stories should be like Perhaps it s that I grew up watching and or reading A Christmas Carol at least once a year and am therefore predisposed to believe all Christmas stories must have ghosts in them PI just loved how real it felt Which admittedly is an odd thing to say about a ghost story But each of the characters even Emily the ghost felt like a real person to me Isaac Ryan and she are all so lonely and so beautifully open to love yet also so tentative and reluctant and scared. The ghost of mistletoe lock fantasy football I loved how perfect Isaac and Ryan are for each other How they re both looking for the same things but are both afraid to admit it to the point that they nearly lose out on having it altogether. Mystery on mistletoe lane book The only thing that seemed forced in the story was that Ryan would hike that far into the woods in a blizzard However the excuse that he was following Emily s voice helped me suspend my disbelief enough to just go with it After that the men s reactions seemed just so sincere and honest From accidentally saying the wrong thing while trying to do the right thing to being hurt and embarrassed enough to run away to wanting to go back and un say or undo things And I ADORED that it was only Emily s interference that kept them from sabotaging their chance together. The ghost of mistletoe locke ebook I don t care how in the minority I am on this opinion but this is without question my new favorite contemporary Christmas story 1623801958 Reviewed on Hearts On Fire s wife was not too thrilled when she found out that he was gay and left hin on New Year s Day Isaac left his job as a sucessful banker to get away from the city and the one night stands and finds a job as a lengthsman in the country Isaac isn t exactly living alone though The ghost of a young woman Emily is tied to the area and wants nothing than for Isaac to fall in love Ryan a man with his own hopes for love is out for a walk and passes out right on Isaac s doorstep and Emily works her ghostly magic This delightful short story left me with a smile on my face The story wasn t complex and I knew the HEA was coming but it was still a warm smooth read I enjoyed the scene where Isaac was insisting that he did not do one night stands and Ryan told him to just keep having him back over night after night Both characters were engaging and when all was said and done they were very much the same I recommend this heart warming feel good story 1623801958 so you re saying I need to find a dead yenta to hook me up with a with a lengthsman then seems legit. Ebook the ghost of mistletoe locked door nicely done and recommended for a semi porny Christmas themed pick me up 1623801958 I wish I have better words to explain or to point out what didn t work But I was too detached with this story to even write proper opinion All I could say that for me it was bland and yawn inducing I didn t care for the characters nor the ghost nor the writing and there is that fact that the words I love you were thrown out few hours after they first met Maybe I was having bad mood after streak of so so short stories I blame myself though I am trying to reach my reading goal shrugs 1623801958 The existence of a ghost in most cases sounds very lonely to me Tied to Earth and not able to move on is nobody s idea of a good way to spend eternity No wonder some of them become angry and malevolent Not so the one in this book While she died a pretty horrible death two hundred years ago she has turned her attention to encouraging love wherever possible And the two main characters of this story sure need all the help they can get Isaac is lonely after his recent divorce He got married so he could have a family and kids but he wasn t able to keep living a lie He doesn t want to go home for the holiday to face his ex wife and even though he has a great job as a lengthsman taking care of the river and its locks he still misses a man to love who wants forever as well and will love him back He thinks he has to fight his immediate attraction to the salesclerk he meets in the village but the ghost has other ideas. The ghost of mistletoe lock fantasy football Ryan is as lonely as Isaac but for different reasons He grew up in the foster system doesn t have much schooling and is eking out an existence by selling jewelry Having to live in a house with raucous students is turning out to be a nightmare so he runs off into the snow When Isaac rescues him he thinks it is a miracle but mutual misunderstandings of their willingness to commit make things very difficult to sort out. Ebook the ghost of mistletoe locked door Once the ghost forces these two to confront each other and their fears the slow realization that they may have found exactly what they were looking for makes for a very sweet story If you like just a touch of the paranormal but in a positive way if you enjoy reading about men who learn as much about themselves as their new partner and if you re looking for a sweet Christmas story you will probably like this one, The ghost of mistletoe lock book free Your ghost has locked us in and cut the power Isaac went quiet, The ghost of mistletoe lockbox location Okay Ryan said I ve seen this film and I don t want to be in it: The ghost of mistletoe lock fantasy football lovely and only slightly unfinished feeling I have notes on that score bcuz asshole but I think I d rather just savor what was really beautiful about this instead: The ghost of mistletoe lock pdf NOTE This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews 1623801958

The Ghost of Mistletoe Lock By Amy Rae Durreson
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The Ghost of Mistletoe Lock.

.You re borderline hypothermic you re not thinking straight.I never think straight.and it is.beautiful I mean