The Dahlgren Affair: The History of the Civil War’s Most Controversial Cavalry Raid By Charles River Editors

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Includes pictures Includes accounts of the raid written by participants on both sides Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading Includes a table of contents Judson Kilpatrick Ulric Dahlgren and their probable patron Edwin Stanton set out to engineer the death of the Confederacy s president the legacy spawned out of the utter failure of their effort may have included the death of their own president Stephen Sears Civil War historianFailing to secure the capture of any major northern cities or the recognition of Great Britain or France or the complete destruction of any northern armies the Confederacy s last chance to survive the Civil War was the election of 1864 Democrats had been pushing an anti war stance or at least a stance calling for a negotiated peace for years so the South hoped that if a Democrat defeated President Lincoln or if anti war Democrats could retake the Congress the North might negotiate peace with the South In the election of 1862 anti war Democrats made some gains in Congress and won the governorship of the State of New York Confederates were therefore hopeful that trend would continue to the election of 1864. Kindle The Dahlgren affairs It s now often forgotten that Lincoln s reelection was far from a foregone conclusion and the fighting in 1864 would be desperate in both the East and West The Overland Campaign that Ulysses S Grant launched against Robert E Lee s Army of Northern Virginia would be an extremely costly stalemate so Lincoln s fate may have rested in the hands of William Tecumseh Sherman whose successful Atlanta campaign shortly before the election may have been the decider As controversial as the Overland Campaign and the March to the Sea were however the most controversial event of that year took place before either campaign In March skirmishing between the two sides cavalry outside of Richmond left one 21 year old Union colonel Ulric Dahlgren dead and when a young Virginian went through the items on his body the orders that were found seemed almost too unbelievable to be The men must keep together and well in hand and once in the city it must be destroyed and Jeff Davis and Cabinet killed When the papers on Dahlgren s body made their way to Confederate officials the leaders decided to publicize them leading officials in the North to denounce the papers as forgeries Over 150 years later the authenticity of the papers is still widely debated among historians While most in the North dismissed the papers and Dahlgren s father would work to clear his son s name for the rest of his own life Union General George Meade questioned Judson Kilpatrick the cavalry commander in charge of the raid and he came away with the belief that at the very least Kilpatrick had signed off on the conspiracy to assassinate the Confederate leadership Nonetheless he relayed to Lee that neither the United States Government myself nor General Kilpatrick authorized sanctioned or approved the burning of the city of Richmond and the killing of Mr Davis and cabinet. PDF The Dahlgren affaire Although it still remains one of the Civil War s most enduring mysteries modern historians now mostly believe the orders were authentic and that the responsibility for the plan may go all the way up to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton Moreover some of them including noted historian Stephen Sears believe that the Dahlgren Affair may have been one of the primary reasons John Wilkes Booth devised his own conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln That conspiracy of course would be far successful than Dahlgren s The Dahlgren Affair The History of the Civil War s Most Controversial Cavalry Raidshort but informative Kindle Edition This is a weird little POD book barely than a pamphlet attributed on its cover to Charles River Editors which is not a man with the last name Editors but a press that does ebooks and apparently POD The person who actually wrote The Dahlgren Affair is named Sean MacLachlan. Ebook the dahlgren affair pdf It s about a Union cavalry raid that was supposed to free the prisoners in Libby Prison in Richmond but neither prong of the attack actually made it that far Colonel Ulric Dahlgren in command of one prong was killed in battle and when the Confederates looted the body they found papers that seem to indicate if they are genuine that Dahlgren at least thought the purpose of the raid was to kill Jefferson Davis and his cabinet Outrage ensued and the Union high command of course distanced themselves as hard as they could leaving Colonel Dahlgren dead and disgraced the prisoners in Libby Prison unfreed and Jefferson Davis alive and well. All black book affair kindle The Dahlgren Affair is a fairly bare bones walk through the raid and the highlights of the aftermath Kindle Edition A little dry reading but factual and pertinent to my research Kindle Edition The Dahlgren Affair: The History of the Civil War’s Most Controversial Cavalry RaidCharles River Editors is an independent publisher of thousands of ebooks on Kindle Nook Kobo and Apple iBookstore provider of original content for third parties..