Temptation: Rev. Price Comes To Town By Dr. Lois Burgess
Temptation of christ
Twenty year old Cissy Mosely Weeks the granddaughter of Mrs Jane Beatrice Thomas Mosely one of the most influential members of Calvary Grace Deliverance Center has a rude awakening when she discovers a side of her new pastor Rev Jonathan Price that no one else seems to notice Caught between her desire to make up for her grandmother s disappointment in her mother and her passion to measure up to her grandmother s expectation of her Cissy keeps a secret that cannot only ruin her own life but if disclosed will also serve to make the difference between the Church keeping its outstanding place in the community or the pastor losing his credibility in the corporate world and forfeiting the bank loan that the church so desperately needs to renovate their century old building Temptation Rev Price Comes To Town.