Trapped in Iran: A Mother's Desperate Journey to Freedom By Samieh Hezari

Trapped in rannis tower

Not being able to put it down English An absolutely shocking read about women s and human s rights in Iran an Islamic country dominated by men who can do anything with their wife s life A series of stupid decisions leads the author to be locked there for 5 years fighting for her child Society is described as sick which I also know from my refugee friends but here is truly terrifying English I could not put this book down My heart ached for this woman as she desperately fought to keep from losing her child and the long battle to return to her adopted country of Ireland Americans who complaint about how bad they have it here in America should read this book and other stories like this Maybe it will help to open their eyes to be grateful for their freedom and that they can go out in public without fearing for their lives English Samieh is an Iranian woman who marries a Pakistani man.

Book trapped in a book game

And gets involved with a man who is quite plainly a psychotic In the end you will really be on her side and hope that she succeeds I highly recommend this book English Holy crap That s what I wrote in about 50 places in the margin Along with OMG and dear lord and how much can this woman endure This is one harrowing story and I dare you to try and read it without knots forming in your stomach and tears in your eyes English Phenomenal book A must read English The story unfolds almost like a fiction novel not that I have read much fiction It is hard to believe that someone actually lived the story That it isn t a fiction makes it even captivating to read on Amazing read.

Book trapped in a book game

This memoir is in a desperate need of editing but it also makes it in some way genuine English A fascinating and sad eye opener of what life is like in Iran for women It is a society that gives no rights to women A divorced man can take a child away from the motherpermanently when the child turns 7 In this case the protagonist knew that she had to escape with her daughter before she turned 7 Her x husband was violent and unstable It was a perilous journey for both of them without any basic rights I read the last few chapters from 10PM 2AM Jabbar When they move to Ireland for his work she obtains an Irish passport After her divorce from Jabbar she travels to Iran to visit relatives Back in Iran she agrees against her better judgment and her mothers warnings to a relationship with an unstable and unreliable man He steals her passport and holds her against her will but she manages to travel back to Ireland as she turns out to be pregnant and he agrees it is to the baby s advantage to have an Irish passport Because Samieh wants her baby daughter Rojha to get an Iranian passport too she travels back from Ireland to Iran with Rojha as the father of her baby has to initiate an administrative act for her daughter s Iranian passport However despite promises he manages to deprive her of freedom again by taking Rojha s papers making life difficult for them and over he can get full custody of his daughter once she reaches the age of seven He also accuses her of adultery which could be punishable by death and a legal battle ensues Samieh makes several attempts to escape from Iran with her daughter. Book trapped in a book game I found the first half of this book frustrating Everyone makes mistakes but this naive woman just didn t seem to learn from her mistakes Time and time again she allowed herself to be lied to and to be scammed I felt sad for her parents who kept warning her and supported her through difficult times even though they were struggling themselves Fortunately Samieh increasingly standed up for herself as far as Iranian culture allows and eventually escapes English In 2009 Samieh Hezari made a terrible mistake She flew from her adopted home of Ireland to her birthplace in Iran so her 14 month old daughter Rojha could be introduced to the child s father When the violent and unstable father refused to allow his daughter to leave and demanded that Samieh renew their relationship a two week holiday became a desperate five year battle to get her daughter out of Iran If Samieh could not do so before Rojha turned seven the father could take sole custody forever The father s harassment and threats intensified eventually resulting in an allegation of adultery that was punishable by stoning but Samieh a single mother trapped in a country she saw as restricting the freedom and future of her daughter never gave up gaining inspiration from other Iranian women facing similar situations As both the trial for adultery and her daughter s seventh birthday loomed the Irish government was unable to help leaving Samieh to attempt multiple illegal escapes in an unforgettable epic journey to freedom Trapped in Iran is the harrowing and emotionally gripping story of how a mother defied a man and a country to win freedom for her daughter Trapped in Iran A Mother s Desperate Journey to FreedomI received an Advanced Readers copy of this book through the Goodreads Giveaway program It is very well written and really makes the reader feel for Ms Hezari and her children The book chronicles the five year struggle by Ms Hezari in trying to escape Iran with her daughter facing incredible odds while dealing with unscrupulous people geographic terrain and hostile neighboring countries I had two distinct emotions while reading this book During the first part of the book I was extremely disappointed in Ms Hezari s choices which she herself questions frequently including relationships people she trusted and doing things she wasn t comfortable with However by the second half of the book my feelings turned toward compassion for her plight She deals with multiple individuals who don t come through for her at great personal and financial expense receives no support from a neighboring country and well written Like a few other new discoveries I had gathered this too at the Book Expo this year and once started reading it it became a page turner. Trapped in rannis rise Thanks for the copy to Book Expo and the author English What a contrast In America some people claim there is a war on women if taxpayer funded birth control is taken away not access to birth control just having it paid for by taxpayers Compare that with this author s story where in Iran and other countries with Muslim controlled and other male dominated societies she could be jailed for simple things we take for granted For example a women cannot travel unless accompanied by a husband or male relative They are restricted for work to jobs where there is no contact with males The author had left Iran and had been enjoying having simple freedoms in her adopted country of Ireland She became trapped in Iran on a visit to see her parents when an ex husband took passports away from her and her child as a sick form of revenge Every woman should read this and then see where they think the real war on women is taking place What an eye opener Also well written and hard to put down English Trapped in Iran: A Mother's Desperate Journey to Freedom site_link post a comment.