EBook Rose deeprose pty
The daughter of a country doctor Shelia Kaye Smith was born in St Leonards on Sea near Hastings Her first novel The Tramping Methodist was published when she was 21 In 1923 her book The End of the House of Alard became a best seller and gave her national prominence She went on to write over 40 books. Rose Deeprose bookworm Kaye Smiths early novels were chiefly pre occupied with rural life in Sussex and Kent They focused on farming land inheritance agricultural mechanisation and changing womens roles in rural life Joanna Godden arguably her most famous novel was adapted into a film in 1947 Her later books focused on her religious pre occupations and her conversion to catholicism She was also a passionate scholar of Jane Austen and with her friend The daughter of a country doctor Shelia Kaye Smith was born in St Leonards on Sea near Hastings Her first novel The Tramping Methodist was published when she was 21 In 1923 her book The End of the House of Alard became a best seller and gave her national prominence She went on to write over 40 books. Rose Deeprose kindle cloud Kaye Smith s early novels were chiefly pre occupied with rural life in Sussex and Kent They focused on farming land inheritance agricultural mechanisation and changing women s roles in rural life Joanna Godden arguably her most famous novel was adapted into a film in 1947 Her later books focused on her religious pre occupations and her conversion to catholicism She was also a passionate scholar of Jane Austen and with her friend G. Rose Deeprose kindle cloud B Stern wrote Speaking of Jane Austen and More About Jane Austen site_link Miss Sheila Kaye Smith has forsaken Sussex and the scene of her latest novel is buried deep among the wooded hills of Kent The story is divided into three parts Daughter Wife and Mother It opens with a sympathetic unfolding of the relations between the sixteen year old Rose Deeprose of Harlakenden Farm and her mother From the quiet beginning in a teashop in a little country town the reader is led out upon the stormy trail of tragedy Rose is the unwitting instrument of her mother s death and the rest of the novel deals with her courageous combat against a persistently adverse fate She meets disaster on every count in her marriage with her cousin Townley of Bladbean Farm in her friendship with Christian Lambert the town bred beauty and light o love in motherhood her only child whom she passionately longed for and devotedly loved turns out to be mentally deficient in her attempted suicide A solution to Rose s problems and an earnest of a happier future is foreshadowed at the end of the book Townley shoots himself and we leave Rose as we found her at Harlakenden She is at peace and the reader realizes with a slight sense of shock that at the end of some four hundred crowded pages the heroine is only twenty five years old and her life is all before her Miss Kaye Smith is a master of the English language and the book abounds in happy phrases and in descriptions which are as leisured and lovely as the country they depict Of the psychological interest the contrast between Rose of yeoman stock and Christian Lambert superficial product of the intelligentsia is particularly well done Rose Deeprose.