Нас время учило By Лев Разумовский

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Нас время учило One of the most interesting and pleasant for me authors recently I have read three books in succession autobiographical book about the author s life during the Siege of Leningrad he was a teenager then and the following events after he and his family were evacuated continues the autobiographical story when the author who just barely survived the Siege of Leningrad but already became 18 was conscripted as a soldier trained sent to the war wounded and returned home so it s basically memoirs about the war a small collection of various essays stories told by other people some interesting episodes from the author s own life Nothing special although I have encountered there a couple of cool stories. нас время учило pdf file I could recommend reading and is one of must reads about _the real war_ similar to by by etc but in order to feel the situation and personality of the author better it is advisable to read before as well. Нас время учило booking At first looks like one of multiple memoirs about the Siege of Leningrad a boy a family hunger deaths etc It was written in a simple language and about everyday stuff exactly like a regular Soviet teenage boy had seen it However here and there you start to see things that are usually not presented much in classical literature about the Siege There are looting and betrayal there are people who starved to death members of their own family there are people who were prepared to show the Germans were Jews lived etc Not your familiar picture of heroic and kind Soviet people right There were also stories about those who became rich and fat amidst the starvation and who were buying off valuable things from dying people There were also stories about kids whose parents became rich and fat and those kids bullied their former friends who literally died from starvation their last bread and money were taken by those strong and well fed bullies Pioneers of course. Нас время учило booking The book is not dedicated to the Siege in its entirety somewhere in the middle of the narration the author together with some members of his family and the orphanage where they worked were evacuated However I have found that this part of the story is not less interesting and striking than the Siege part. Kindle Нас время учило The second part of the book tells about this orphanage and its life in evacuation in village Here we have dozens of children whose parents just died from hunger and these kids nearly died too How do you think heroic and kind Soviet people helped them with food clothes medical assistance etc in the midst of the war Well you should read the book to learn It s not a nice picture The kids suffered a lot and they with the teachers the same dystrophics who barely survived the Siege basically should have worked for food It was a hard life. нас время учило pdf file There were also other very interesting obsrvations about life of a regular Soviet village from the point of view of Leningrad intelligenzia It looks like those people were from some other country or rather from another epoch. Нас время учило booking The evacuated from Leningrad kids were also far from the ideal picture of normal Soviet kids There were very difficult personalities and stealing and resaling things was a common thing Nevertheless even these kids looked much intelligent and decent comparing to local peasants en masse. нас время учило epub pdf As for it s a book where you can see clearly how the real war looked like what relationships were among soldiers between soldiers and commanders the overall situation in the army It s pretty shocking really. Kindle Нас время учило Reading this book you understand perfectly how it happened that Soviet soldiers raped thousands of girls and women in Eastern Europe a couple of years later and how this rampant looting was possible. нас время учило pdf file The author wrote about young men regular Soviet peasants future soldiers who were going to the war in 1943 They were something between animals and regular criminals almost without exceptions There are also constant hunger dirt stealing and lying about everything other disgusting and pretty shocking stuff relationships close to those in the criminal world antisemitism hate towards intelligenzia etc Later was wounded his arm was eventually amputated and his adventures in hospitals are similarly mind blowing although of course reading all this you realize yes it was just as he told you knew this already because this was the everyday Soviet reality that you personally had seen around you too and what made you think that Soviet people are heroic kind decent and reliable books movies songs yeah exactly. Pdf нас время учило уило pdf As I said it s a must read about the war I recommend this book particularly because the personality of the author grown from the boy I have seen and loved in is pleasant and understandable to me. Pdf нас время учило уило It starts from gathering of young soldiers mostly all those 18 year old peasants from local villages who were sent for initial training and then to the war..