La esfera negra (y otros cuentos extraños) By Gustav Meyrink
La esfera negraa
The illegitimate child of a baron and an actress Meyrinck spent his childhood in Germany then moving to todays Czech Republic where he lived for 20 years The city of Prague is present in most of his work along with various religious occult and fantastic themes Meyrinck practiced yoga all his life Curious facts He unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide at the age of 24 His son committed suicide at the same age with success Meyrinck founded his own bank but was accused of fraud for which he spent 2 months in prison He worked as a translator and translated in German 15 volumes by Charles Dickens while working on his own novels Among his most famous works are Der Golem 1914 and Walpurgisnacht 1917 The illegitimate child of a baron and an actress Meyrinck spent his childhood in Germany then moving to today s Czech Republic where he lived for 20 years The city of Prague is present in most of his work along with various religious occult and fantastic themes Meyrinck practiced yoga all his life Curious facts He unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide at the age of 24 His son committed suicide at the same age with success Meyrinck founded his own bank but was accused of fraud for which he spent 2 months in prison He worked as a translator and translated in German 15 volumes by Charles Dickens while working on his own novels Among his most famous works are Der Golem 1914 and Walpurgisnacht 1917 site_link Rare book La esfera negra y otros cuentos extra os Fantaskn m sty d siv satyrick ale skv l 86 Peque a antolog a de relatos editada en Chile 1946 donde abundan s tiras antimilitaristas con toques apocal pticos y esot ricos pero que no terminan de entusiasmar Ve a que segu a el mismo derrotero aburrido que otra antolog a suya Murci lagos hasta que llegu a tres cuentos bien singulares La preparaci n inquietante el mejor El seso esfumado y El cerebro todos enfocados en la locura asociada a experimentos con cuerpos y rganos humanos lo que me reconcilia en parte con la veta cuentista de Meyrink Hay que reconocer en todo caso que sus relatos no llegan a la altura de sus mejores novelas como El golem o El rostro verde mi favorita entre todas sus obras 86 Particularmente recomiendo La Maldici n del Sapo El Cerebro y Asnoglobina Es muy variado en calidad el libro hay unas excelentes como las mencionadas hay otras que son aceptables como La Esfera Negra La Muerte Violeta y Petroleo Petroleo otras sonmehhcomo Enfermo El Seso Esfumado y otras que sonbahhcomo Ciertamente Sin Duda o El Soldado T rrido Definitivamente Meyrinck se destaca mejor como novelista 86 Mi primer acercamiento al autor de El G lem no fue feliz No pude conectar con sus historias ni con au inter s por lo extra o: La esfera negrais mapa De los tantos cuentos de este libro s lo me gust La preparaci n un relato inquietante y eficaz Al resto no pude encontrarle la gracia 86.